No-Scalpel Vasectomy in Houston, TX

What is a Vasectomy?

A vasectomy is a form of birth control during which the vas deferens, the tubes that carry sperm, are cut. When the tube is cut, there is no way for sperm to be released from the penis. This procedure is considered a permanent form of birth control, but it is possible to have a reversal surgery should the patient change their mind in the future.

Board-certified urologist Dr. Jonathan Clavell performs over 150 no-scalpel vasectomies each year at his urology clinic in Houston, Texas. Call (713) 424-4030 to learn more about the advantages of the no scalpel technique and schedule your consultation with Dr. Clavell today.

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Benefits of a Vasectomy

It is recommended that men only get a vasectomy when they are certain that they no longer wish to have children. It is the preferred choice for many couples because:

  • The use of male birth control (condoms) or female birth control (pills, IUDs, etc.) is no longer needed.
  • The procedure is almost 100 percent certain to prevent pregnancy.
  • It is much less expensive than female sterilization.

Traditional vs No-Scalpel

In most cases, a vasectomy will be performed in-office and is considered an outpatient procedure. Full-anesthesia is not required, only a local anesthetic is necessary. There are two ways to complete this procedure.

Traditional Vasectomy

The surgeon will use a scalpel to create two small incisions on either side of the scrotum. The surgeon will remove a small section of the vas deferens. The tubes are tied, or cauterized so that they are closed and can no longer transport sperm.

No-Scalpel Vasectomy

A no-scalpel vasectomy does not use incisions, rather, the surgeon is able to access the vas deferens through very small holes. No stitches are needed for this form of surgery.

Why Choose Dr. Clavell?

Dr. Clavell is an expert in Vasectomy procedures. He performs vasectomies using the no-scalpel vasectomy through one or two small holes that do not require stitches. Local anesthesia will be applied so that you will not feel anything throughout the procedure.  The procedure is done in the clinic and takes 15 to 30 minutes.  Prior to your vasectomy, Dr. Clavell will discuss with you everything you need to know prior to your procedure and what to expect afterwards.


What is the recovery like?

Immediately following a vasectomy, there will be bruising and swelling, but those symptoms should subside after a few days. Apply ice packs every few hours to help control these symptoms. Wear tight-fitting underwear so that the scrotum is provided extra support.

Get plenty of bed rest during the first week. At the very least, stay off of your feet for two or three days. Avoid bathing for about 48 hours because this will allow the incisions to heal faster and prevent infection. Take the antibiotics that your doctor provides.

Most patients are able to return to their normal lives after one week.

Can I have sex after the vasectomy?

Wait at least one week before having sexual intercourse. This may help avoid you from experiencing pain in your testicles. Keep in mind, you may not be sterile right away. Ejaculate may still contain sperm and may continue for several months after the procedure. After a few months, the doctor will check sperm levels to confirm that it is declining until it reaches zero.

The vasectomy will not affect your erections, sex drive and orgasms. Occasionally, men feel a slight pressure in their testicles when aroused, but eventually, that feeling will go away.

Will the vasectomy affect my erections?

The vasectomy procedure is a procedure that involves manipulation of your scrotum. The penis, and therefore, your erections, will not be affected by this procedure.

Will the vasectomy affect my orgasms?

Seminal fluid is provided by three structures: the seminal vesicles, the prostate and the vas deferens. Most of this fluid (80%) is produced by the seminal vesicles. Given the vas deferens provides less than 10% of the total fluid, the amount of semen produced during your orgasm will not be affected.

How Effective Is a Vasectomy?

Please be very aware that the results of a vasectomy are not immediate. Dr. Jonathan Clavell will need to test the patient’s sperm in the weeks following a vasectomy to determine if the procedure was in fact successful at preventing the production and transfer of sperm through the vas deferens. During this time, men are instructed not to engage in unprotected sex, as this could lead to a potential pregnancy.

A vasectomy is more than 99% effective. Of the few cases in which a pregnancy does occur after a vasectomy, a majority are within the first year after the procedure is performed.

Are There Major Risks to Having a Vasectomy?

The most common side effects after a vasectomy are mild pain, bruising, bleeding, and swelling. Of course it is still possible for more severe issues to occur, though they are incredibly rare. These include:

  • Infection
  • Chronic pain
  • Failure to prevent pregnancy
  • Granuloma (inflammation caused by leaking sperm)
  • Spermatocele formation (a small cyst of the upper testicle region)
  • Hydrocele (a fluid-filled sac of tissue that grows within the scrotum)

Individuals at risk for more serious complications include those who have suffered testicular cancer or testicular disease, though even in these outlying groups rarely encounter serious side effects caused by a vasectomy. Be sure to discuss your own individual risk factors with Dr. Clavell to determine if a vasectomy is a safe option for you.

What If I Change My Mind?

There is a procedure for that as well! A vasectomy reversal may be offered to men who have previously undergone a vasectomy and later wish to conceive a child.

It is of course advised for patients to carefully consider this possibility before they complete a vasectomy, as vasectomy reversal procedures are not guaranteed to be effective. Men may also consider storing their sperm in a sperm bank prior to a vasectomy as a sort of safeguard to this potential situation.

Schedule a Vasectomy Consultation in Houston, TX

Board-certified urologist Dr. Clavell will help diagnose you discover if a vasectomy is right for you! If you have any additional questions, please contact our Houston urology clinic at (713) 424-4030 and schedule an appointment today!

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