Tune in to this episode of BackTable Urology, where Dr. Jose Silva sits down with Dr. Jonathan Clavell, a renowned men’s health specialist, to discuss the latest workup and treatment options available for Peyronie’s disease. Don’t miss out on this insightful conversation that could help you or someone you know.
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News & Events
How Erectile Dysfunction Affects the COUPLE
Erectile dysfunction is a term no man wishes to ever use. We do not like talking about it. Even more, we wish to never experience it.
However…. When a man experiences erectile dysfunction it affects him both physically and emotionally.
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Dr. Clavell shares his expertise with Rezum and Penile Implant Surgery
Dr. Clavell was invited to give lectures regarding his specialties in the management of erectile dysfunction and BPH. He had the opportunity to speak at two American Urology Association (AUA) events, the AUA Southwest section in San Diego, CA and the Puerto Rico Urology Association. Continue reading “Dr. Clavell shares his expertise with Rezum and Penile Implant Surgery”
Dr. Clavell Teaches Emerging Implanters Course hosted by Boston Scientific
In the month of June, Dr. Clavell & staff had the opportunity to be apart of the Prosthetic Urology Institute’s, Emerging Implanters Course, hosted by Boston Scientific in San Francisco, California. We had the opportunity to be part of the faculty and continue to teach other surgeons on how to refine their surgical skills and optimize outcomes when it comes to penile implant surgery for men with erectile dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease.
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Dr. Clavell Hosts Men’s Health Prosthetic Course for Experienced Physicians
Dr. Clavell was invited and served as faculty for the Men’s Health Prosthetic course for Experienced Physicians in Phoenix, Arizona on May 21-22, 2022. This course was hosted by Coloplast and was focused towards Urologists already in practice who are seeking to master advanced skills and management of complications that relate to penile implant surgery. Dr. Clavell shared insight on the prevention and management of infections and led a hands-on course where he shared surgical techniques for the management of complications that may be encountered during penile implant surgery.
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Dr. Jonathan Clavell Introduces New Surgical Technique at SMSNA Meeting
At this year’s Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA) Annual Meeting annual scientific meeting, board-certified urologist Dr. Jonathan Clavell had the privilege of presenting his novel approaches and techniques for the management of Peyronie’s Disease and how to manage Non-Infectious Complications related to Penile Prosthesis Placement. We congratulate Dr. Clavell for being a pioneer in the field of Urologic Sexual Medicine!
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Dr. Jonathan Clavell Leads Prosthetic Course Training
Throughout the months of June and July, board-certified urologist Dr. Jonathan Clavell led multiple Surgical Skills Workshops on Penile Implant Surgery across the state of Texas. Dr. Jonathan Clavell hosted the surgical skills workshops in the following locations:
- University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, TX
- Austin, TX
- Texas Tech University in Lubbock, TX
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Dr. Jonathan Clavell presents the Effectiveness of the Proximal Extracapsular Tunneling Technique
Board-certified urologist, Dr. Jonathan Clavell, recently published an article with Science Direct presenting the effectiveness of the Proximal Extracapsular Tunneling technique. Through his research, Dr. Clavell discovered that this approach is a viable technique that may help treat distal cylinder impending erosion and floppy glans syndrome, among other corporal dilation-related complications, with minimal operative time or complexity. Continue reading “Dr. Jonathan Clavell presents the Effectiveness of the Proximal Extracapsular Tunneling Technique”
Penile Implant: The Solution for ED?
Is the Penile Implant the “last resort” or “best option” for ED?
Lea el Artículo En Español
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Implante de Pene: La solución para la disfunción eréctil?
El implante de pene: la última opción para la Disfunción Eréctil, o la mejor opción?
Todos los días veo a hombres que presentan a mi clínica con la preocupación de que su erección está “más débil”. Repito: TODOS LOS DIAS. La disfunción eréctil, o impotencia sexual, es bien común y ocurre en 40% de los hombres mayores de 40 años. Muchos hombres que sufren de impotencia sexual llegan a mi clínica luego de haber investigado en el internet acerca de sus opciones de tratamiento. Estas opciones incluyen: medicamentos orales, inyecciones, terapia de vacío (Vacuum), terapia de shock, inyecciones de plasma, células madres y el implante de pene. Desafortunadamente, algunas de estas alternativas aún se consideran experimentales y no son recomendadas por la academia de Urología Americana o la Sociedad de Medicina Sexual. Por lo tanto, es difícil saber cual es la mejor opción para cada individuo si no conocemos los beneficios y riesgos de cada terapia.
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