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Category: News

Dr. Jonathan Clavell presents the Effectiveness of the Proximal Extracapsular Tunneling Technique

Board-certified urologist, Dr. Jonathan Clavell, recently published an article with Science Direct presenting the effectiveness of the Proximal Extracapsular Tunneling technique. Through his research, Dr. Clavell discodoctor working on computervered that this approach is a viable technique that may help treat distal cylinder impending erosion and floppy glans syndrome, among other corporal dilation-related complications, with minimal operative time or complexity. Continue reading “Dr. Jonathan Clavell presents the Effectiveness of the Proximal Extracapsular Tunneling Technique”

Congenital Penile Curvature

Congenital Penile Curvature

Are all curves the same?

Curved or bent penis. This is the ONE condition in Men’s Health that generally NO ONE talks about.  Some men even wonder “can that really happen?” and, those who suffer from it think “Am I the only one with this?”.  Many years ago, men with penile curvature suffered in silence and, fortunately, now we even see it in commercials and realize we are not alone.
Continue reading “Congenital Penile Curvature”

Why is my penis getting shorter?

Man looking at himself under the covers.

Banana with a messaging tape around it.

Man looking in his boxer briefs.

Why is my penis getting shorter?

A very common concern for men of all ages is:SIZE.   I often see men who come in to my office concerned about the size of their penis.  Sometimes they are originally being seen for a completely unrelated complaint, such as urinary problems secondary to an enlarged prostate (BPH) or interested in a vasectomy.  Then, all of a sudden, the question comes up:  “Hey doc, now that I am here, I wanted to ask you about one more thing. I have noticed that my penis is shrinking…” or ” My penis is getting shorter”… And you can imagine the rest of the conversation.
Continue reading “Why is my penis getting shorter?”

A Men’s Health Specialist’s True Purpose

The 3 R’s of Men’s Health

People often ask me what I do as a urologist who specializes in Men’s Sexual Health.   It is simple. I sum it up in 3 words. I refer to them as the 3 R’s of Men’s Health:

1.     Rehabilitate

2.     Reconstruct

3.     Restore

younger man with beard

September is Sexual Health Awareness Month.

Continue reading “A Men’s Health Specialist’s True Purpose”

How a urologist can help men live LONGER…

Helping men live LONGER and BETTER…

A male’s life expectancy 

Every day I see men of all ages who come into our office concerned about their erections.   These range from men in their early 20s to those in their late 80s.  But what they do not know is that in many occasions, their sexual or reproductive concerns can be the effect or aftermath of something far more serious.   In our last post we discussed the relationship between erectile dysfunction and heart disease.  Today, we will dive in deeper and discuss how a we, as a men’s health specialist, can help men live longer. Continue reading “How a urologist can help men live LONGER…”

Erectile Dysfunction: A Sign of Heart Disease

Erectile Dysfunction: A Sign of Heart Disease

“The penis is the gate way to the heart”

This week I had a patient who was scheduled to undergo a surgery for enlarged prostate.  I was excited to finally be back in the operating room after weeks without being able to perform elective procedures due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  As soon as I step into the surgery center’s building, I received a call from the anesthesiologist who suggested postponing the surgery.  We found that the patient’s blood pressure was very high and not well controlled. Upon questioning, the patient mentioned he decided to stop his blood pressure medications several weeks prior without consulting with his primary care physician.  After listening to the story, one of the nurses then told me:  “My husband does the same.  They notice that medications cause erectile dysfunction and he would rather continue with elevated blood pressure than lose his erections.”  This remark drove me to write today’s article. Continue reading “Erectile Dysfunction: A Sign of Heart Disease”

Section Editor AUA Core Curriculum

We are proud to announce that Dr. Jonathan Clavell has been invited to become the new

Section Editor for the Surgical Peyronie’s Chapter

in the

American Urological Association (AUA) Core Curriculum.


The AUA Core Curriculum is an educational section in the American Urological Association website. The Core Curriculum serves to educate urologic surgeons in training all over the world regarding the most updated guidelines and surgical techniques.  Dr. Clavell previously authored the chapter on Surgical Peyronie’s and has now been promoted to become the new Section Editor.

Men’s Health during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Men’s Health during the Coronavirus Pandemic

First of all, I want to disclose that I am NOT an infectious disease expert and just like you, I am learning about this new Coronavirus every day. We all know that the human race as a whole is going through a difficult time that will impact our lives, if it hasn’t already. This can be physically, socially and financially. However, when you listen to the experts, there is one great thing about it…  WE HAVE THE POWER TO CONTROL IT.  We can ALL contribute to avoid spreading this disease. Continue reading “Men’s Health during the Coronavirus Pandemic”

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