Category: News

Emerging Implanters Insight Panel

Emerging Implanters Insight Panel 


We are proud to announce that on January 21 ,2020 Dr. Jonathan Clavell was invited to be part of the Emerging Implanters Insight Panel at this year’s Boston Scientific National Sales Meeting in Denver, CO!  Emerging Implanters are a group of young urologic prosthetic surgeons who have excelled in the field of Sexual Dysfunction and Prosthetic Urology. These doctors proved to provide excellent care to men with erectile dysfunction.
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Rezum Center of Excellence

First Center of Excellence in the State of Texas


We are excited to announce that on January 9,2020 Clavell Urology was recognized as the first Center of Excellence for Rezum Water Vapor Therapy in the state of Texas!

We are committed to provide quality care with compassion and EXCELLENCE to all men having urinary problems secondary to an enlarged prostate. Come visit us and find out if Rezum is the treatment for you!

Estamos honrados en anunciar que el 9 de enero del 2020, Clavell Urology fue reconocido como el primer Centro de Excelencia para el tratamiento de Rezum en el estado de Texas.

Estamos comprometidos en proveer servicios de calidad a todo hombre que padece the síntomas urinarios secundarios a prostata agrandada.  Visítanos y descubre si este es el tratamiento correcto para usted.


Dr. Clavell presents at SMSNA National Conference

Dr. Clavell was invited as faculty for the 2019 Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA) Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN. He was invited to share his experience as an expert in the field of Peyronie’s Disease and Men’s Sexual Health. His lecture was on the Management of Complications after Xiaflex injections and Surgery for Peyronie’s Disease.

He also contributed to 5 research studies presented at the meeting!

El Dr. Clavell fue uno de los profesores invitados a la Conferencia Anual (2019) de la Sociedad Norteamericana de Medicina Sexual (SMSNA, por sus siglas en inglés) en Nashville, TN. El fue invitado para compartir su experiencia como experto en el campo de la enfermedad de Peyronie’s y Salud Masculina. Su presentación fue sobre el Manejo de Complicaciones luego de inyecciones de Xiaflex y Cirugías para la enfermedad de Peyronie’s.

Él también contribuyó en 5 estudios de investigación que fueron presentados en la conferencia este año!



When “Not Lasting Long Enough” is the Problem

Should you be able to “last longer” in bed?

I recently saw an article published in a well-known Men’s magazine which mentioned that one of the most common Googled questions about sex was “how to last longer in bed” with more than 60,000 searches per MONTH.  Suddenly, I knew I had to write about this since there are many things that men should have clear and know.

Continue reading “When “Not Lasting Long Enough” is the Problem”

Five Most Common Complications Associated to BPH

How an Enlarged Prostate can affect your overall health

Benign prostatic hyperplasia, also known as BPH, is a prevalent condition that affects approximately 50% of men over 50 years old and up to 90% of men after the age of 85.  Many men with BPH have bothersome symptoms. Others, simply do not have bothersome symptoms, either because of lack of awareness or simply they just get used to them.  Every week I meet men in my office to whom I ask “How is your urination?”  and their response is “Normal for my age, I guess”.  Then, when I keep inquiring they have a wide array of issues and that is why I will focus today on BPH complications.

Middle Aged Man

Continue reading “Five Most Common Complications Associated to BPH”

Dr. Clavell gets invited to be a speaker at the 2019 SMSNA Meeting!

We are proud to announce that Dr. Clavell has been invited to take part in a Podium Session in this year’s Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA) Meeting at Nashville, TN.


He will be a part of the Expert’s Panel in the Peyronie’s Disease session.


His Presentation will cover:
Tips for the Management of Complications after CCH (Xiaflex) and Peyronie’s Disease Surgery.

Nashville Skyline



Dr. Clavell presents at International Conference

Dr. Clavell takes part as one of the invited faculty for the Urology Reconstructive course at the CMU annual congress in Monterrey, Mexico. His lectures include:
1. Current concepts in the Surgical Treatment for Peyronie’s Disease.
2. Management of Climacturia in patients with Erectile Dysfunction after Prostate Cancer Treatment.


El Dr. Clavell ha tomará un rol como parte de los profesores  invitados en la sesión de Urología Reconstructiva en el congreso CMU en Monterrey, Méjico. Sus presentaciones incluyen:
1. Conceptos actuales en el Tratamiento de la Enfermedad de Peyronie.
2. Tratamiento para Climacturia en Pacientes con Disfunción Eréctil.

CMU 2019


Dr. Clavell joins Majic 102.1 FM


Dr. Clavell joins Funky Larry and Dr. Cornell at ‘Straight up with The Doc’ this upcoming Super Bowl Sunday on Majic 102.1 FM.

The People’s Station will host Houston’s Experts in Prosthetic Urology who will discuss the use of prosthetic urologic devices in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction and Male Urinary Incontinence.


Tune in on Sunday, February 3, 2019 at 10am; and feel free to call and Ask the Doc any questions you have!

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